Best Pediatric Physical Therapist in Trenton New Jersey You Should Consider

You may think physical therapy is basically the same, no matter the patient’s age. However, the therapeutic activities can look very different for adults and children. Pediatric physical therapists work with kids of all ages, from infancy through the teenage years. It serves to help with a variety of issues, from TMJ physical therapy treatment to developmental functionality therapies. Like adult PT, therapists use various treatments to improve a child’s functioning in daily life.

Children may require PT due to a congenital disability, an injury, or rehabilitation after surgery. Therefore, the PT will look different for each individual. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve the best quality of daily life for children to reach their maximum potential concerning range of motion, coordination, strength, balance, posture, sensory processing, and motor planning. 

Why PT Is Important for Kids

Physical therapy is vital for children with developmental differences, whether due to illness or injury. A physical therapist can help these kids gain more freedom of movement to perform more aligned with other kids their age. These treatments provide children the opportunity to grow and develop with their peers. This way, they can overcome as many barriers as possible while enjoying the best mobility and function possible.

How To Choose the Right PT for Your Child

Pediatric PT practices can assist children with many different diagnoses. The following issues are some of the most commonly treated.

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Failure to meet physical milestones
  • Muscle weakness
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Scoliosis
  • Spina bifida
  • Torticollis

Pediatric physical therapists work to improve kids’ challenges with impairments like gait abnormalities, poor posture, difficulties keeping up with peers of the same age, and muscular restrictions. A pediatric physical therapist near me can determine how to treat the specific child based on their unique issues, strengths, and weaknesses.

How Is Pediatric PT Different From Adult PT?

Pediatric PT must be different because younger children may not understand why they have to do physical therapy. Therefore, it helps motivate children to incorporate play into therapy sessions. Children can have fun while being inspired to meet their functional goals with their physical therapist. This playtime can also make it fun for them so that they look forward to coming back for more sessions. Having this motivation can make all the difference in reaching their objectives. Pediatric PT also involves the family working with the child to practice the skills taught in PT.

What To Expect During Your Child’s PT Session

Pediatric PT sessions tend to resemble play. You will probably see a colorful array of exercise equipment and other PT tools. Physical therapists use a variety of items that help children improve their mobility and gross motor movements. These objects include things like different size therapy balls, small trampolines for jumping, balance beams, toys for reaching and head-turning activities, hoops, and foam rollers.

Pediatric physical therapy is essential for helping children achieve the maximum quality of life possible by improving their mobility and daily physical functioning. Search for physical therapy near me when you are ready to learn more about pediatric PT for your child. 

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