Different people prefer different types of exercises, and as an instructor, you need to explain to your clients the outcomes of each of them. Some people like low-intensity endurance workouts while others like to run fast or lift heavy weights. It is important to know the individual’s goals to find a balance between aerobic and strength training. Different workouts affect the body differently, and it is important to take this into consideration as you develop a training plan. The following are some of the reasons why you should include aerobic exercises in your goal to gain muscle:

Aerobics change the composition of muscle fiber
Aerobics are good for burning fat, improving cardiovascular health and fitness, and improving the body’s ability to recover and repair after intense exercise. These exercises rely on slow-twitch muscle fibers which contract slower and at a low intensity. Aerobic exercises increase these Type I muscle fibers that allow you to do endurance work for long periods. Such workouts also convert Type IIx fibers to Type IIa, which improves fitness and increases the amount of reusable fast-twitch muscle fibers. Anaerobic exercises increase the size and quantity of fast-twitch fibers that improve the power and strength of the muscle, but only for short periods.
Burning more fat for energy
Aerobic exercises lead to fat loss throughout the body, which is a great way to shape up as you build your muscles. As your body gets more blood flow into the tissue, oxygen flow, larger number of mitochondria, and an increase in the level of enzymes used to metabolize fat, the muscles can access fat and burn it for energy. Since high-intensity workouts trigger the production of testosterone and growth hormones, it is advisable to take supplements during aerobic exercises. You can get steroids to supplement aerobic exercises at https://120kgs.net to realize muscle growth and endurance all at once.
Developing more and bigger blood vessels
The main difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the use of oxygen to get energy. During aerobic workouts, the body requires more oxygen supply, and this results in the production of more blood vessels as well as an increase in their size. This supports recovery and muscle growth by enhancing the supply of nutrients and oxygen and also the removal of waste from the muscles.
More mitochondria and myoglobin
Aerobic exercises trigger an increase in mitochondria and the protein myoglobin in the muscle tissue. These workouts also trigger important metabolic changes in the muscles which results in muscle growth. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells that are necessary for creating ATP for energy while myoglobin brings in the oxygen needed for that process.
Longer, slower aerobic workouts reset your central nervous system and get you into the recovery and rebuilding stage that enables you to go harder and reach your goal faster. Aerobic workouts also give your body the ability to adapt to different training loads that are necessary during strength training. If you have joint pain, you can do activities like cycling, swimming, or the elliptical for your long and slow cardio.