Most of the population is suffering from a issue of oily, acne, pimple and blackhead skin. Oily skin is most common among the others. It is very difficult to take care such oily skin in such a hectic lifestyle and workload stress.
Oily skin gives invitation to other problems and as time passes it gives a wrinkled as well as older skin tone. There are so many face wash are available in the India which ultimate treatment for the oily skin but they are too costly and full of the chemicals which will damage our skin in longer use. To eradicate such problem here is a list of the home remedies which is useful as well as home made face wash for the oily skin.

Best Face wash for Oily Skin
Due to the changes in the hormones, food, stress level and improper care of the skin causes excess of oil to secret on the skin. This excess of oil will invite most of the problems so here is a list of the face wash which will give you glowing skin.
VLCC Face wash for oil control
VLCC face wash is one of the best trusted product which expertise recommended. It purify the skin deeply and control the production of the oil. This face wash gives clean and clear skin VLCC face wash contains menthol which cooling effect to the skin.
VLCC also contains cloves in it which act as a anti fungal property and fight against the fungal growth on the skin. It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines from the skin and gives glowing and sparkling skin.
Aloe Vera Avocado and Rose Face Wash
Aloe vera is present in this face wash which clear impurities and clear pores and removes bacteria from the skin. Excess of the oil production can be controlled by the use of this product. This face wash has good fragrance which gives you refreshing soft skin with out any type of the pimples.
Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Face Wash
Neutrogena face wash is thick in consistency like a face cream so little bit is required to use. It will make your skin soft and reduces the acne, blackheads and blackouts.
Pond’s Pimple Clear Multi Action Face Wash
Pond’s pimple face wash is good for the oily skin. It has salicylic acid which removes excess of the oil and prevents the growth of the pimple, acne and blackheads. It will give you a bright and glowing skin.
Lotus Herbs Tea Tree Face wash
Lotus herbal face wash is best used for oil skin and sensitive skin. It opens the pores and removes the dirt and bacteria from the skin and gives sparkling skin. It contains Tea tree oil which is an anti bacterial property which is helpful in killing the bacteria causing pimples.
Garnier Skin Naturals Fresh Deep Clean Face Wash Mint Extract
Garnier face wash contains menthol which gives cooling effect to the skin and prevent the formation of the pimples, acne and blackheads. It also reduces the oil secretion from the skin. After using this face wash your skin will be glowing and refreshing.
Aroma Magic Neem And Tea Tree Face Wash
Aroma face wash contains neem has an property of anti septic which heals the acne. It will also reduces the redness of the skin. This face wash is not advisable for the dry and sensitive skin. It helps in reducing the make up too.
Himalaya Oil Clear Lemon Face Wash
Himalaya contains lemon extracts in it. Lemon is a good source of the vitamin and helps in removing dirt and kills bacteria causing acne. It gives soft as well as clear skin with a glow.
It doesn’t leave any type of the residue on the skin. This is good for the skin which more prone to the redness and itching skin.
Clean And Clear Deep Action Oil Control Face Wash
Clean and clear deep action oil control face wash is suitable for the skin which is acne prone. It clear oil from the skin and can be used in removing of the make up. It will prevent blackheads and pimples if use regularly.
Nivea Aqua Effect Purifying Face wash For Oily Skin
Nivea is the best face wash for the oily skin even for the men too. It removes extract oil and sebum for a fresh feel and bright face look.
I like this post. very informative content.